Mastering Graves in ARAM: Tips and Strategies

Graves is a powerful AD carry in ARAM due to his high burst damage and sustained damage output. His passive, True Grit, gives him bonus armor and magic resist when he deals damage, making him deceptively tanky in team fights. His Q ability, End of the Line, is a skillshot that deals damage in a straight line and detonates after a short delay, dealing additional damage in a cone. His W ability, Smoke Screen, creates a cloud of smoke that reduces the vision of enemies and slows them if they stand in it. His E ability, Quickdraw, allows him to dash and gain bonus attack speed for a few seconds. Finally, his ultimate ability, Collateral Damage, fires an explosive shell in a straight line, dealing damage to all enemies in its path.

Graves’ playstyle in ARAM revolves around positioning and timing. He excels at poking enemies from a safe distance with his Q ability while using his E ability to reposition and avoid enemy skillshots. His W ability can be used to create zones of control and disrupt enemy positioning, making it difficult for them to engage or disengage from fights. Understanding Graves’ strengths and weaknesses is crucial for success in ARAM, as he relies on good positioning and timing to maximize his damage output while staying safe from enemy threats.

Key Takeaways

  • Graves is a strong AD carry in ARAM due to his high burst damage and mobility
  • Building items like Duskblade of Draktharr and Infinity Edge can maximize Graves’ damage output
  • Mastering Graves’ abilities like End of the Line and Quickdraw can help secure kills and escape sticky situations
  • Positioning and map awareness are crucial for Graves to avoid getting caught out and maximize his damage potential
  • In teamfights, Graves should focus on dealing damage to priority targets and securing objectives like turrets and inhibitors

Building the Right Items for Graves in ARAM

When it comes to building items for Graves in ARAM, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. Since Graves is an AD carry, building items that increase his attack damage and attack speed is essential for maximizing his damage output. Starting with a Doran’s Blade for the early game sustain and damage is a solid choice, followed by building into items like Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, and Bloodthirster to increase his damage and sustain in team fights.

In addition to building damage items, it’s also important to consider defensive items to ensure Graves’ survivability in team fights. Items like Guardian Angel and Maw of Malmortius can provide him with a second chance in fights and protection against magic damage, respectively. Lastly, building items like Mortal Reminder or Lord Dominik’s Regards can help Graves cut through enemy tanks and bruisers, ensuring that he remains a threat throughout the game. Understanding the optimal itemization for Graves in ARAM is crucial for maximizing his impact in team fights and securing victory for your team.

Mastering Graves’ Abilities and Combos

Mastering Graves’ abilities and combos is essential for maximizing his damage output and survivability in ARAM. Understanding the range and timing of his Q ability, End of the Line, is crucial for poking enemies from a safe distance and setting up kills for your team. Additionally, using his W ability, Smoke Screen, to disrupt enemy vision and slow them can create opportunities for your team to engage or disengage from fights.

Graves’ E ability, Quickdraw, is a versatile tool that can be used for repositioning, dodging enemy skillshots, and gaining bonus attack speed to increase his damage output. Learning how to effectively use Quickdraw to kite enemies and avoid damage is essential for surviving team fights and securing kills. Finally, mastering Graves’ ultimate ability, Collateral Damage, is crucial for securing kills and turning the tide of team fights in your team’s favor. Understanding when and where to use Collateral Damage can make the difference between victory and defeat in ARAM.

Positioning and Map Awareness as Graves in ARAM

Game Kills Deaths Assists Damage Dealt CS
Game 1 10 3 15 25000 120
Game 2 8 5 12 20000 100
Game 3 12 2 18 28000 130

Positioning and map awareness are crucial skills for success as Graves in ARAM. As an AD carry, Graves relies on good positioning to maximize his damage output while staying safe from enemy threats. Positioning yourself behind your frontline and using your range advantage to poke enemies from a safe distance is essential for success as Graves. Additionally, maintaining map awareness and keeping track of enemy cooldowns and positioning can help you avoid getting caught out of position and ensure your survival in team fights.

Understanding the flow of the game and predicting enemy movements is crucial for making informed decisions about when to engage or disengage from fights. Keeping an eye on the minimap and communicating with your team about enemy movements can help you make strategic decisions that can turn the tide of the game in your team’s favor. Mastering positioning and map awareness as Graves in ARAM can make the difference between victory and defeat for your team.

Teamfighting and Objectives with Graves in ARAM

Teamfighting and securing objectives are key aspects of playing Graves in ARAM. As an AD carry, Graves excels at dealing sustained damage in team fights and securing kills with his burst damage abilities. Positioning yourself behind your frontline and focusing on dealing damage to priority targets like enemy carries and squishy champions is essential for success as Graves. Additionally, using your W ability, Smoke Screen, to disrupt enemy vision and slow them can create opportunities for your team to engage or disengage from fights.

Securing objectives like turrets and inhibitors is crucial for gaining a strategic advantage over the enemy team. Communicating with your team about when to push for objectives and coordinating your efforts can help you secure victory in ARAM. Additionally, understanding when to contest neutral objectives like the health relics or the Porosnax can provide your team with a significant advantage in team fights. Mastering teamfighting and securing objectives as Graves in ARAM is essential for leading your team to victory.

Tips for Surviving and Thriving as Graves in ARAM

Surviving and thriving as Graves in ARAM requires a combination of mechanical skill, game knowledge, and strategic decision-making. Positioning yourself behind your frontline and using your range advantage to poke enemies from a safe distance is essential for maximizing your damage output while staying safe from enemy threats. Additionally, using your E ability, Quickdraw, to reposition and dodge enemy skillshots can help you survive team fights and secure kills.

Communicating with your team about enemy cooldowns and positioning can help you make informed decisions about when to engage or disengage from fights. Additionally, coordinating your efforts with your team to secure objectives like turrets and inhibitors can provide your team with a strategic advantage over the enemy team. Lastly, building items that increase your damage output while providing you with defensive stats can help you survive team fights and secure victory for your team. Mastering these tips can help you survive and thrive as Graves in ARAM.

Advanced Strategies for Dominating with Graves in ARAM

Dominating with Graves in ARAM requires a deep understanding of his abilities, itemization, positioning, map awareness, teamfighting, and objective control. Mastering his Q ability, End of the Line, to poke enemies from a safe distance while using his W ability, Smoke Screen, to disrupt enemy vision and slow them can create opportunities for your team to secure kills and gain a strategic advantage. Additionally, using his E ability, Quickdraw, to reposition and dodge enemy skillshots while gaining bonus attack speed can help you survive team fights and secure kills.

Coordinating your efforts with your team to secure objectives like turrets and inhibitors can provide your team with a significant advantage over the enemy team. Additionally, contesting neutral objectives like the health relics or the Porosnax can provide your team with a strategic advantage in team fights. Lastly, understanding when to push for objectives and when to play defensively can help you make informed decisions that lead your team to victory. Mastering these advanced strategies can help you dominate with Graves in ARAM.

Sure, here’s a paragraph mentioning a related article to Graves ARAM:

If you’re looking to dominate in the ARAM game mode with Graves, you’ll want to check out this insightful article on maximizing your performance in the fast-paced battles of the Howling Abyss. Learn how to adapt your playstyle and build to excel in this unique setting. For more in-depth strategies and tips, be sure to visit TwentyFourApp for expert guidance on mastering Graves in ARAM.


What is Graves in ARAM?

Graves is a champion in the game League of Legends who is often played in the game mode All Random All Mid (ARAM).

What role does Graves play in ARAM?

Graves is typically played as a marksman or a ranged damage dealer in ARAM. He excels at dealing sustained damage from a distance.

What are some key strategies for playing Graves in ARAM?

Some key strategies for playing Graves in ARAM include positioning carefully to maximize damage output, using his abilities to poke and harass enemies, and building items that enhance his damage and survivability.

What are some common item builds for Graves in ARAM?

Common item builds for Graves in ARAM include items that enhance his attack damage, critical strike chance, and lifesteal. Some examples of these items include Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, and Bloodthirster.

What are some important abilities for Graves in ARAM?

Graves’ abilities in ARAM include his passive, True Grit, which grants him bonus armor and magic resist, as well as his Q ability, End of the Line, which deals damage in a line and can be used to poke and wave clear. His ultimate ability, Collateral Damage, is also important for dealing burst damage to multiple enemies.

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